Unmissable place of production of famous Norman cheeses for more than 100 years, the Fromagerie Graindorge in Livarot opens its production workshops to you and offers you to follow all the stages of the production of these cheeses made from the good milk of Norman cows. Many small farms are open to the public and offer to discover their farm products and cheeses made from cow’s milk, such as Ferme des Patis, or their goat cheeses such as Les Chèvres de Noémie or the Ferme de la Biquetière.
Obtaining farm products in a short supply chain, from producer to consumer and 100% local, is easy in Lisieux Normandie: Norman farms welcome you to their shops selling local products. La Route des caves offers a tour of the Normandy countryside and a selection of the best local producers to discover. A good idea to bring home a bit of Normandy!